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Plans are for the unprepared

New haircut today! Feels great to get all that extra shag  cut off. All that hair was a damn freeloader, I say. Serves it right!

Earlier today I had derby practice. No, not the kind with horses. This is roller derby, Women’s Flat Track Derby to be precise. Now, I know what you’re saying. “Tyler, you’re not a woman and what’s a flat track?” And, you know, you’re right. That’s why I’m a referee and not one of the players. Also, a flat track means they play on a level surface, whereas some roller derby leagues have a banked track (like in Nascar).

If you haven’t before, take a moment to find out what it is.

Some of you may (think) you remember roller derby from back in the 80s. That strange, costumed, WWF-style fake combat on roller skates, right? WRONG! Harken back to the early 20th century, when men were men and women beat the crap out of each other on a banked roller derby track. It’s all very real, nothing is staged and there are a few more safety rules today than back then.

Come support the Mission City Brawlin’ Betties in their bout against the Bakersfield Diamond Divas on October 2nd in Santa Barbara!

Posted in Personal, Roller Derby.

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  1. GrrlRocker89 says

    roller derby is the best!

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