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Across the Pond: Day 3-4

The next couple days after arriving in London went fairly smooth. Aware now of the hotel’s very non-complimentary breakfast, I made use of an earlier shuttle and grabbed a quick bite to eat in one of the many underground shopping malls in the area. By a “quick bite” I was pretty much reduced to either a baguette or sandwich, but the choices weren’t bad.

Work went smoothly despite a web proxy blocking most of my internet activity. I also discovered a very interesting fact (in a purely scholarly fashion) about one of the differences between British and American cultures. My temporary co-workers here very much enjoyed having a beer (or two, or three) during lunch. Interestingly, no one (at lunch or in pubs) seemed to drink much of the “local” beer. Fosters, Guiness and Heineken seem to be very common.

The third night I claimed an evening of relaxing at the hotel, although most of it was spent online. The fourth night found me back in Leicester Square, although fairly uneventfully. For some reason I keep trying fish and chips, despite the fact that the sheer amount of grease leaves me queasy. I think I like the idea of it, although it never quite works out in practice.

On a side note, my shins really hurt. I guess it’s the amount of walking I’ve been doing, lugging around a computer bag, but this was not expected at all!

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