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Beverages: Baja Fog

Hey, that’s me!

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2 Responses

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  1. Flash Buddy says

    Made popular in the following locations, in order:

    1.) Baja Mexico
    2.) Santa Barbara
    3.) Mammoth Mountain
    4.) June Mountain
    3.) Central Coast (Cambria)

    …from there is spread so darn fast i couldn’t keep track any longer.

    FYI, What the heck are you doing? Bastardizing my recipe! You got it all wrong my friend. You better call that interpretation a Rhathar Fog.

    I created the Baja Fog in 1974 in the back of a 1976 Chevy Apache 10 pickup truck with Scot, Kirk and Jim. BTW, how old were you back then? If I recall correctly the first guy to enjoy and take the fog out of our immediate circle was Kevin Trejo. He writes about the Baja Fog here: (you should have given me credit there Kevin).

    Kevin is the owner/operator of Solo Sports in Baja:

    –Flash Buddy

  2. Tyler Johnson says

    Hey, thanks for coming! Love seeing the original! I learned about this drink from my dad, who got it from his sailing buddies (I think). I know this is definitely the drink of choice when on the water.

    I guess I’ll have to change the video to not add the entire slice of lime. The beer and tequila part are right, though! No cheap cuervo here.

    No comment on the age thing ;)

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