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BrainShare voting is live!

Sessions for Novell’s BrainShare 2011 are now online and waiting to be voted on. The top voted items (and those chosen by Novell) will be presented at BrainShare. For your consideration, I will (hopefully) be presenting the following sessions:

Session Title: Moving Groupwise to Linux
Type: Technical Tutorial
Session Abstract: Protect your email by migrating to Groupwise on SUSE Linux. Participants will learn how to successfully transfer an existing Groupwise environment from a Windows or NetWare server to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server.

Session Title: Migrating from NetWare to OES2 Linux
Type: Technical Tutorial
Session Abstract: Protect your server environment by migrating to Open Enterprise Server on SUSE Linux. Participants will learn how to prepare their existing NetWare environment for migration and easily move all their existing services to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server with Open Enterprise Server. Topics covered will include NSS, iPrint, DNS, DHCP and more.

Session Title: Maintaining Your Mobile Workforce Securely and Remotely
Type: Technical Tutorial
Session Abstract: Utilizing the NOWS SBE server, easily deploy and manage your company’s remote workforce. Participants will learn how to securely deploy SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop in minutes and enable their staff to maintain secure access for troubleshooting or desktop management no matter where in the field the mobile workstation may be.

I humbly ask that if any of these sound interesting to you, show your support by visiting and clicking “Vote Now!”

Hope to see you there!

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